Silver Star Social Club in collaboration with AleSmith Brewing Company bring you FCW: Rock and Sock ‘Em, an event we’ve dedicated to also raise resources and awareness to San Diego’s Homeless. You don’t need to be a millionaire in this case to showcase philanthropic efforts, all we ask is a simple pack of socks.
Why Socks?
There are many great, charitable organizations in San Diego to aid those in need of assistance providing items such as canned foods, shirts, shoes, the list goes on. Rarely though, are items such as socks and underwear donated due to these items not being sanitary (have you tried returning socks or undergarments to a department store?). As such, items like new packs of socks are far less commonly available to the less fortunate. While having the opportunity to change shirts or pants, a homeless person can utilize the same pair of socks (or not wear any) for days on end. Having fresh socks helps keep unsanitary fungal growth from occurring and can be a true treasure to those in need of additional comfort. According to most homeless shelters around San Diego, socks (and underwear) are the MOST requested, yet least available items to the homeless. @alesmithbrewing @silverstarsocialclub @calistrongusa @fcwsandiego